Boston Rambles

Boston Rambles

A Rambler Walks and Talks About the Hub of the Universe

Posts filed under Milestones

Worcester, Massachusetts, Part Two: The Heart of the Heart.

Upper Boston Post Road Entry #15 (UBPR #15) The township of Worcester is, throughout, divided into farms which wear a cheerful and prosperous aspect. The town is principally built on a single street, extending, from East to West, about a mile and a half on the road. It is situated in a valley and contains,… (read more)

Worcester, Massachusetts, Part One: The Path of Destruction

Upper Boston Post Road Entry #14 (UBPR #14) Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be… (read more)

Shrewsbury, Massachusetts: Twists, Turns, Topography, and Turnpikes.

Upper Boston Post Road Entry #13 (UBPR #13) ***** For Whom The Post Horn Sounds… As I pass the modest yellow house at 32 Main Circle, about three-quarters of a mile into my walk through Shrewsbury from the border with Northborough along the route of the original road west from Boston to New York, it… (read more)

Northborough, Massachusetts: The Quiet Borough

Upper Boston Post Road Entry #12 (UBPR #12) “We went on unobserved by any one until we passed Shrewsbury, where we were overtaken by a horsemanwho examined us very attentively, and especially me, whom he looked at from head to foot as if he wanted to know me again; after he had taken his observations… (read more)

Best of the Upper Boston Post Road in Middlesex County, Massachusetts: A Top Ten List.

This entry is self-explanatory: now that I have completed my walk along the route of the Upper Boston Post Road in Middlesex County, I want to list what I consider to be the most interesting sites along the road. I am doing this for many reasons: to reflect on the road that I have already… (read more)

Sudbury, Massachusetts: Once Upon a Time…

Upper Boston Post Road #10 (UPBR #10) One Autumn night, in Sudbury town,Across the meadows bare and brown,The windows of the wayside innGleamed red with fire-light through the leavesOf woodbine, hanging from the eavesTheir crimson curtains rent and thin. Tales of a Wayside Inn by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ***** Once upon a time… Chapter One…. (read more)

Southborough, Massachusetts: Lost Roads

Upper Boston Post Road #8 (UBPR#8) Alternate Route Entry #3 We then traveled through a very fine country, missed our way and went to Southborough; we were obliged to turn back a mile to get the right road. Ensign Henry DeBerniere in his report to General Thomas Gage, Saturday, February 25, 1775. Sometimes travelers get… (read more)

Framingham, Massachusetts: Everybody Comes To Buck’s

Upper Boston Post Road #7 (UPBR#7) Alternate Route Entry #2 “We then asked him for the inns that were on the road between the house and Worcester, he recommended us two, one about nine miles from his house, a Mr. Buckminster’s….” Ensign Henry DeBerniere, in his report to General Gage, February 23, 1775. Two spies,… (read more)

Wayland, Massachusetts: Framingham Diversion

Upper Boston Post Road #6 (UPBR #6) Alternate Route Entry #1 “About 10 Mr. Gerry called me, and we rode to Framingham, where we dined. Coll. Buckminster after Dinner shewed us, the Train of Artillery brought down from Ticonderoga, by Coll. Knox.” Diary of John Adams, Thursday, January 25, 1776 Immediately upon entering Wayland I… (read more)

Wayland, Massachusetts: Waylaid in Wayland

Upper Boston Post Road #5 (UBPR #5) “We were resolved to go the Sudbury road, (which was the main road that led to Worcester ) and go as far as the the thirty-seven mile-stone, where we had left the main road and taken the Framingham road.” Ensign Henry DeBerniere, from his report to General Thomas… (read more)