Boston Rambles

Boston Rambles

A Rambler Walks and Talks About the Hub of the Universe

Posts filed under Worcester County

Worcester, Massachusetts, Part Three: Highs and Lows

Upper Boston Post Road Entry #16 (UBPR #16) “We came through Worcester this afternoon, and a[re] now but 6 miles from it. This I think is where Pappa studied Law, and the appearance of the town pleased me very much; I wished to stop there this Night, but it would have made our Journey of… (read more)

Shrewsbury, Massachusetts: Twists, Turns, Topography, and Turnpikes.

Upper Boston Post Road Entry #13 (UBPR #13) ***** For Whom The Post Horn Sounds… As I pass the modest yellow house at 32 Main Circle, about three-quarters of a mile into my walk through Shrewsbury from the border with Northborough along the route of the original road west from Boston to New York, it… (read more)

Northborough, Massachusetts: The Quiet Borough

Upper Boston Post Road Entry #12 (UBPR #12) “We went on unobserved by any one until we passed Shrewsbury, where we were overtaken by a horsemanwho examined us very attentively, and especially me, whom he looked at from head to foot as if he wanted to know me again; after he had taken his observations… (read more)

Marlborough, Massachusetts: Marlboro Country

Upper Boston Post Road #11 (UBPR #11) “We begged he would recommend some tavern where we should be safe, he told us we could be safe nowhere but in his house; that the town was very violent, and that we had been expected at Col. Williams’s the night before, where there had gone a party… (read more)

Weston, Massachusetts: The Myth of the Wild Weston

Upper Boston Post Road Entry #4 (UBPR #4) “It was my dream that screwed up, the stupid hearthside idea that it would be wonderful to follow one great red line across America…” Jack Kerouac, On The Road, p. 13. ***** There’s no @*&# sidewalk! Standing on the busy edge of Route 20 next to Dunkin’… (read more)